Sponsorship Opportunities
The Advocate for Recovery Awards is an exclusive event that will unite professionals representing top companies and organizations for the purpose of celebrating progress in the Medical and Clinical Addiction treatment fields. Your organization will be promoted across all social media channels, multiple times. You will also be provided your own personal marketing piece to share with colleagues and customers. Below are sponsorship opportunities to increase visibility for your company/organization during the event:
$1,000 – Table Sponsorship
• Company/Organization Sponsored Table
• Direct marketing to more than 11.3K healthcare connections, 2500 Facebook friends and organization name to be listed on leading Substance Use Disorder websites
$10,000 – Silver Sponsorship
• Company/Organization Sponsored Table (Eight Seats)
• Company Logo on Promotional Materials
• Half-Page, Color Program Advertisement and mention in press releases
• Company Marketing Pieces to be put into gift bags
• Direct marketing to more than 11.3K healthcare connections, 2500 Facebook friends and organization name to be listed on leading Substance Use Disorder websites including but not limited to: (NAADAC, SAMHSA, IAAP, Celebrate Recovery and Join Together)
$15,000 – Gold Sponsorship (Co-Title Sponsor)
• Company/Organization Sponsored Table (Eight Seats)
• Company Logo on Promotional Materials, banner and company plaque
• Full-Page, Color Program Advertisement and mention in press releases
• Company marketing pieces to be put into gift bags
• Podium Speaking Opportunity (3-5 minutes)
• Direct marketing to more than 10.5K LinkedIn and 2500 Facebook Healthcare connections every 2.5 weeks until event date, 2500 Organization name to be listed on marketing invitations on leading Substance Use Disorder websites including but not limited to: (NAADAC, SAMHSA, IAAP, Celebrate Recovery and Join Together)
If you don’t see a Sponsorship Package that works for you, opportunities can be tailored to suit the unique needs of your company/organization. In-kind product sponsorships are also welcomed.
Confirmation Deadline: September 30, 2017
For more information and to secure your sponsorship, please contact Jamelia Hand at
jhand@vantageclinicalconsulting.com or at (708) 969-8111.